Events - Month View
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We hold General Meetings every two months, except June. There is usually a very short business part, followed by a speaker, demonstration or presentation. After supper (provided) we have Show and Tell where anyone can bring recent work, or something of interest to bookbinders and book lovers.
From 6.15 our shop is open for purchases. It closes once the meeting begins.
The Artist Books Group of QBG meets monthly on the second Friday. It is for those members who enjoy creating different and creative styles of books or a deeper dive into what constitutes a "book". Visitors are welcome but to continue to attend you need to be a QBG member. Attendance is free but there may be a small charge for materials.
BVAC (Brisbane Visual Arts Community) upstairs
This course introduces you to cloth and paper covers. You will learn about paper grain, cutting, folding, and sewing the signature to create a pamphlet binding. You will then move on to create a multi-signature sewn and bound sketchbook. This course will prepare you to progress to the next level or to continue on your own.
Course Leader: Sandy Johnson. Course Helper: Lorelle Toms.
BVAC (Brisbane Visual Arts Community) upstairs
This course introduces you to cloth and paper covers. You will learn about paper grain, cutting, folding, and sewing the signature to create a pamphlet binding. You will then move on to create a multi-signature sewn and bound sketchbook. This course will prepare you to progress to the next level or to continue on your own.
Course Leader: Sandy Johnson. Course Helper: Lorelle Toms.
Bindery evening are an opportunity for members to work on projects,come and use tools and equipment or discuss. There are occasional special mini workshops or demonstrations which are advised in the regular member Update emails. Please bring what you need to work on. You may leave your work to finish on the Bindery Morning the next day. If no-one has come by 7.00pm we will close up.
The shop is not open but small amounts of some materials may be available. Visitors are welcome to come and see, but not participate in workshops. A fee may be charged for mini-workshops and registration will be required to participate. Further advice in the Update email.
There is no April Bindery evening due to public holidays.
Bindery mornings are an opportunity for members to come and work on projects, use tools and equipment or discuss. There are occasional special mini workshops or demonstrations which are advised in the Regular member Update emails. Please bring what you need to work on.
The shop is not open but small amounts of some materials may be available. Visitors are welcome to come and see, but not participate in workshops.
A fee may be charged for mini-workshops and registration will be required to participate. Further advice in the Update email.